A night in Leiria - Dom Dinis Hotel

Window view from Dom Dinis Hotel in Leiria

Dom Dinis Hotel seems to be one of the best booking options in Leiria. It is ranked as a three star hotel, offers breakfast,WiFi, double room (with air conditioning) for 28 Euro for only one person. It is situated in the centre of Leiria, not far from Fatima or Alcobaca. There are no hostels in Leiria so Dom Dinis hotel remains one of the cheapest accommodations.  After a few nights in hostels, Dom Dinis hotel turned out to be a superb choice. Moreover, it had been recently refurbished so that its construction did not look 'discouraging' as it was written in some guidebooks. :) I managed to rest and in the  morning I was ready to set off to Alcobaca.

The Alcobaca MonasteryThe Alcobaca Monastery